Re: Feedback about Yelp

El dom, 15-11-2009 a las 12:55 -0600, Shaun McCance escribió:
> Hi Luis,
> Thanks for your feedback.
> On Sun, 2009-11-15 at 13:37 -0500, Luis Felipe López Acevedo wrote:
> > Hello all.
> > 
> > I'm using GNOME 2.22.1 on gNewSense 2.3 and I'd like to give some
> > feedback about Yelp.
> > 
> > 1. I don't like that when you search for something you get results from
> > all help documents in the help system. I'd prefer to get results from
> > the document or manual I'm reading. For example, if I'm reading Ekiga's
> > manual I'd like to get results related to Ekiga only and not Gedit. In
> > my opinion, the current behavior would be good as an option, not as the
> > only way to search.
> Searching within the current document will be the default
> behavior in Yelp 3.0.


> > 2. I don't like that the style of the documents depends on the colors of
> > the desktop theme. With dark themes, the documentation looks really bad.
> The style has to depend on the current theme.  People who
> use dark themes for accessibility reasons may find it very
> difficult to read white-on-black.  The problem is that the
> colors got screwed up somewhere in the last few releases.
> I'll be working on generating colors that are suitable for
> all themes for 3.0.

Sorry for my ignorance but why does it have to depend on the desktop
theme? why not use a style sheet that looks the same with every desktop

> > 3. I'd like the content and the contents bar to the right to have
> > independent scrolling. The reason for this is that when you write a
> > DocBook document that uses images with widths different to the
> > recommended in GNOME-STYLE[1], and these images are at the same level of
> > the navigation bar to the right, this bar will overlap the image.
> I'm thinking of moving the contents back into a separate
> sidebar for 3.0.  That's how it used to be, but we changed
> it to try to de-emphasize the linear structure and make it
> feel more topic-oriented.

Nice. But is it going to be located on the right side? Because I'd like
it that way; I find it more comfortable. But you could give the option
to move it to the left for people who like it that way.

> We're now doing topic-oriented help in Mallard, leaving
> DocBook for documents which really are linear books and
> articles.  So I don't see much point in treating DocBook
> as something it's not anymore.

But Yelp will continue to support DocBook, right?

> > I'd also like to ask if the start page that you see when you open Yelp
> > is writen in DocBook and where can I find it. I was trying to use the
> > "set" element in DocBook hoping to get something similar but didn't get
> > what I wanted.
> The start page is currently generated inside Yelp.  It
> scans your system for all installed documentation and
> generated a set of TOC pages.
> In 3.0, the start page will be the index page of the
> Desktop Help, which will replace the User Guide.  This
> will be a Mallard document, and downstream distributors
> will be able to plug into it in the same ways they can
> plug into other Mallard documents.

But is it possible to use the «set» element in DocBook documents to
generate a page that lists the books in the set with short descriptions
about them?

> If you're interested in what we're doing or would like
> to help out, you could join us on IRC.  We're on the
> #docs channel on  There's instructions
> here:

I'm reading the Documentation Project info, thanks.

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