Empathy Documentation - Where art thou


following Tuesday community meeting, I'm writing here to give a small
update on Empathy Mallard documentation, where it is and where it's
heading to.

As usual, it's a little behind (my) schedule. Most of the basic
features are covered (thanks also to Phil's work), some of these
topics need to be reviewed with a more topic-based approach (less
wordy, well... at least for my idea of topic-based), but they can work
even now.

I'll start to work these days on the IRC topics, since looks like IRC
it's the most difficult feature to use (more about  this during Sunday
meeting). There will be different small topics to cover, so if
somebody would like to jump in the documentation bandwagon, feel free
to raise your hand! Contact me or write here on the mailing list
(sometimes you'll find me on IRC too, but not very often).

All the topics that have been "discovered" con be found here:


If you think about something that is not on that page, feel free to add it.

They are not prioritized in any way; for me, they are all important.
If you find something you would like to take care of, that would be
great! Again, feel free to contact me or the mailing list.

Working with Mallard is funny and easy: if you have been playing with
HTML a little bit, you'll get used to it pretty soon. If you haven't,
you'll get used to it pretty soon! :)


Milo Casagrande <milo casagrande name>

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