Re: Willing to help with documeting projects

Hi Joseph,

On Mon, 2009-02-09 at 20:02 -0800, Joseph Aseo wrote:
> I am interested in participating in the GNOME documentation project.
> My professional experience includes creating developer and
> administrator documentation for companies such as Sun Microsystems and
> Novell, but I have also participated as a contributor to the Liferay
> community wiki and the Project SocialSite wiki. You can see view my
> qualifications here:

> Currently, I have been given an opportunity to take an (unplanned)
> sabbatical, so I would like to keep my head in the game by helping out
> projects  that need documentation.

Welcome! There's plenty of developer documentation to keep you busy, if
you're interested in taking a look at that. Is there something specific
that you'd like to work on?

You might find Pulse ([1], [2]) useful for inspecting the status of the
existing documentation.



[1] -
[2] -
Phil Bull

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