CVS, SVN, and the GDP Handbook

I am trying to learn my way around GDP so that eventually I can make
some useful contributions. While reading through the GDP Handbook at
I found information on using CVS to download the sources. I tried using
cvs and I never got it to work. I don't think that GNOME is using CVS
anymore but SVN. Fortunately, I found a web page in the GNOME Developers
section ( that helped me
download the documentation source files.

After going through this I thought it would be nice if I could update
the GDP Handbook to reflect the transition from CVS to SVN so that
someone doesn't have to go through the same thing I did. I downloaded
the gdp-handbook folder to my computer and started updating it. I took
the original section on CVS from the docsystem.xml file and revised it
to discuss SVN instead. I tried to retain the original tone. In fact, I
was able to leave a lot of words unchanged. There isn't that much
difference between CVS and SVN. I used the SVN page from the GNOME
Developers website as a guide.

I created bug 533750 and uploaded a patch with my suggested changes. I
hope someone can look at this and tell me what changes are needed to
make it good for incorporating.


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