Word-a-Day: button, command button, toggle button

Sorry for the delay.  Let's get this started back up.

A user interface control that can be clicked to initiate
an action or change a setting.  Buttons are generally
displayed as a raised box with a label or icon inside.
Use the word "button" for any control that looks like a
button.  Also use the word button for toolbar buttons,
which usually only have a raised appearance when the
pointer is over them.

Refer to a button using its label and the word "button".
For common buttons such as 'Cancel' or 'Help', you may
simply'use the button label when instructing the user
to click the button.

Click the 'Theme Details' button.
Click 'Close'.

Some buttons do not have labels.  For these buttons, use
either the tooltip or the accessible name as the label
when referring to the button.  If possible, insert the
icon after the label in parentheses.

Click the 'Attach a file' (#) button on the toolbar.

The word "button" can also be used to refer to mechanical
buttons.  Use the verb "press" for mechanical buttons.

Press the reset button on your computer.
Press the left mouse button.

Click the left mouse button.
command button
A button which initiates an action when clicked.  Prefer
the word "button" alone, although you may use "command
button" to differentiate from toggle buttons.

See also button, toggle button.
toggle button
A button which switches between two states.  If it's clear
that the button is a toggle button, you may simply use the
word "button".

See also button, command button.

That "(#)" after 'Attach a file' would be replaced by the
actual icon when we put this into DocBook.

Observant readers might notice that I've eschewed the
current GDP recommendation of "click on", although we
haven't yet explicitly addressed that.


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