
Hi, I'm fairly new to the #docs mailing list.

I'm currently working on some documentation for the Foresight Linux
distribution to be integrated with GNOME and Yelp, and once I have a
handle on Docbook with GNOME, I hope to contribute to documentation
for GNOME as well.

What resources or tips would you give someone new who's just getting
started?  I have no programming experience, and limited technical
writing experience.  Writing documentation and howto's on a wiki or on
the web is very different than writing in Docbook.

I've used subversion to check out the documentation of a number of
GNOME projects, and have been comparing the XML files to what I see in
Yelp to gain an understanding, but I still have a number of questions
around the tags I see in the XML files, such as guilabel as an
example.  I also am not sure on how to integrate images and

I've browsed LGO quite a bit, as well as the GNOME Handbook, but all
the links to the styleguide appear broken.

Where else would you send someone looking for more information?


Paul Cutler
pcutler foresightlinux org

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