Re: Duck season! Rabbit season! Mallard season!
- From: esr thyrsus com (Eric S. Raymond)
- To: Shaun McCance <shaunm gnome org>
- Cc: gnome-doc-list gnome org
- Subject: Re: Duck season! Rabbit season! Mallard season!
- Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2007 00:02:20 -0500
Shaun McCance <shaunm gnome org>:
> But it's worth pointing out that Yelp, today, does make
> your legacy documentation accessible and searchable.
Sort of. It doesn't actually do a very good job rendering manual
pages, at least not compared to doclifter lifting to XML-DocBook
followed by rendering to HTML. You already know several of the
reasons for this from our one previous email conversation.
> All your man and info pages are there. What's interesting to
> us isn't so much finding that stuff. We need to figure
> out where to put new stuff in a way that Gnome and KDE
> and any other interested party can agree on. This has
> proven to be surprisingly difficult.
Agreed. Which is why I think the "where to put things" issue needs to
be attacked in an explicitly desktop-independent, distro-independent
way. I'll take up that theme in my next post.
> I have two qualms with using XHTML for this purpose. First,
> imposing a set of standard CSS classes would be hard. Not
> impossible by any means. But hard. If writers are writing
> by hand, it's more work. If they're using a graphical editor,
> that editor needs to be trained to do our documents.
> Could we train an editor to our flavor of XHTML? I'm sure we
> could, in theory. I'm also sure we could write a really good
> graphical editor for whatever markup we're using. But since
> we haven't yet, I'd like to make sure hand editing isn't too
> painful.
> Well-designed source formats are easy to write. There's no
> single best-designed source format. It depends on the domain.
Agreed again. On the other hand, if you design a custom XML application
and bake it into a dedicated editor and processing tools, changing it
once you really understand the problem dmain will be hard -- so hard
that a desire to avoid such changes is very likely to distort your
> We would be severely abusing XHTML by adding any implicit
> automatic text handling.
Agreed. So, don't do that, then!
> > Again, I find myself in strong agreement with almost everything in
> > <>. Shaun's dissection
> > of the state of most on-line help ("Reading the interface back to
> > me is not helpful") is particularly trenchant.
> Dave Malcolm once wrote a script using Dogtail (a testing
> framework built off of our accessibility framework). It
> would look at a window and automatically create DocBook
> that read the interface back. The results were eerily
> similar to much of our documentation.
Heh. Yes, I believe this.
> I think I haven't done a very good job of keeping people
> informed of what I'm doing. As a result, people aren't
> really grokking what I'm trying to do, or why XHTML or
> DocBook won't cut it.
You have not convinced me yet. But I'm open to argument.
> My early, early ideas on this subject actually did involve
> subsetting DocBook. But then to get everything we want,
> we'd need to subset and extend. And we'd still be left
> with things we don't like.
I agree that if we discover a domain requirement to *extend* it,
XML-DocBook is a non-starter.
> DocBook, even a subset thereof, is hard to write. No
> amount of subsetting is going to make mediaobject less
> obtuse. And if it looks like DocBook, people will think
> it is DocBook. So they'll try to use all their favorite
> elements. If we don't include them, we screw with the
> heads of people who know DocBook.
You're saying subsetting can't be made to work. I don't buy it, not
on the basis of mere assertion that it will confuse people, because
I'm certain it wouldn't confuse *me*.
> DocBook is also incredibly hard to process correctly.
> One problem is that it's intentionally under-specified,
> allowing implementations to make decisions. When you
> know your target processor (say, when you're writing
> a book for a specific publisher), that's fine. But
> writing a document that can be deployed in different
> desktop environments and such is another thing.
This problem is hard but solvable. I've used the solutions.
> Take, for example, xref. The exact text of the xref
> element is not specified. Combine this with supporting
> over 60 languages with dozens of rules for different
> grammatical roles, and you've got a recipe for trouble.
That means xref can't be in your subset. I don't have a
problem with that.
> We could specify and solve each of these issues, but
> then we'd be left with something that kind of looks
> like DocBook, but isn't really DocBook anymore. And
> I truly believe that would do more harm than good.
Not convinced yet. Still listening.
<a href="";>Eric S. Raymond</a>
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