Re: EOG Manual Maintainership

--- Lucas Rocha <lucasr gnome org> wrote:

> Hey all,
> I'd like to officialy ask the GNOME Doc Team to
> maintain EOG's manual.
> The current one is relatively up to date (check
> needed) but there are
> some new stuff from 2.19 on and we'll eventually
> need doc updates.

Hi Lucas!

I see the EOG manual is already set up with
gnome-doc-utils, so that's good :)
There's a few translations still to move, but that's
not something I know much about -- is that the
responsibility of the docs team, the i18n team, the
EOG team, or a bit of all three?

Your roadmap says Felix Riemann is working on the user
guide. Could you ask him to join this list and say hi,
so we can coordinate our efforts?

I'm trying out a new system to help spread the GDP's
workload across the whole cycle instead of the last
few weeks.
The main part of it is that I'd like application
developers to file bugs on the manual when they commit
changes to the UI. 
Could you let other EOG developers know about this and
start doing it please? (There's more details here:

I'm hoping this will allow us to update the manual
immediately in many cases, and make the string freeze
weeks a bit less of a panic ;)

I've taken a look at your plans for a long-term revamp
for EOG (
I don't know whether it's worth taking the same
approach with that and working on the manual in the Ng
branch. Do you have a rough idea of timescale for

I'll take a look at the current EOG manual in the next
few weeks. I'm using Ubuntu Edgy, so I have EOG
2.16.1. Have there been any user-visible changes made
since that release?


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