Re: PDFs for user-guide, accessibility-guide and system-admin-guide

O/H Shaun McCance έγραψε:
On Wed, 2006-03-08 at 14:14 +0200, Victor Osadci wrote:

Brent Smith wrote:	[Wed Mar 08 2006, 07:57:49AM EET]
I've been working on generating some new PDFs for the documentation in
the gnome-user-docs package.  I've come up with some build scripts[1]
that  generate some decent output using Apache's FOP and Norman Walsh's
DocBook -> XSL-FO stylesheets.
There seems to be an issue with keyboard shortcuts. GNOME and Yelp use
plus signs '+' for key combinations, and the PDFs use '-'.

For example, the following markup generates 'Alt+q' in Yelp, and 'Alt-q'
in the PDF.


Norm's DocBook tools use hyphen by default for keycombos.
Back when we used those for Yelp, we had a customization
layer which, among other things, used plus for keycombos.

We might want to pull old thing out of CVS to see what
customizations we needed to do.  We can't, of course,
use it directly, since it was for the HTML stylesheets.
But it will show us how our formatting choices differed
from those of Norm & Co.
Per the Author Guide at
I think it's good to add a stock section in the <preface> that shows the conventions:

This is how program listings will appear in this book

<warning><title>This is the title of a warning</title>
<para>The body of the warning</para></warning>

and so on.

This way, the readers will be able to see the conventions the current stylesheet uses.


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