Re: What's down, doc? Standartize - standartize ...

Today at 5:57, Clytie Siddall wrote:

> On 01/03/2006, at 6:21 AM, Danilo Šegan wrote (in part):
>> No, we actually want msgfmt to add support for "xml-format"
>> (equivalent of c-format,...) where it would do the well-formedness
>> check.  It would then be trivial for xml2po to add such tag to strings
>> it extracts.
> Have we asked the gettext people to do this? I've found them very
> responsive.

"gettext people" is us as much as anyone else—remember, this is free
software :)

I mentioned it to Bruno (he's the only active hacker on GNU gettext I
know of), and I think he liked the general idea.  I plan to do it with
at least libxml2, but I am not sure if that would be an acceptable


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