Re: Documentation Request for Alacarte

On Sun, 2006-08-06 at 22:24 -0500, Travis Watkins wrote:
> On 8/6/06, Joachim Noreiko <jnoreiko yahoo com> wrote:
> > Menu editing is currently covered in the GNOME User
> > Guide.
> >
> > I think it should probably stay there -- what does the
> > rest of the docs team think?
> >
> In that case, can someone point me to the magic code that will make my
> help button pull up the right docs? :) I have no problem with where
> the docs are, as long as some exist (although they'll have to be
> updated to have alacarte instead of gmenu-simple-editor)

Basically, somebody needs to take on the task of
writing the sections.  This person should actually
use Alacarte for a bit, and perhaps chat some with
you (Travis) about anything that isn't immediately

Once the documentation is written and in CVS, then
there will be a well-defined section in the User
Guide to link to, and you can add Help buttons in
the appropriate places.

Help buttons and menu items are stock in GTK+, so
there's no worry about the string freeze.  We can
absolutely push a Help button through a UI freeze,
so you don't need to worry about that.


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