Documentation Tasks: lets get organized

Hi All,

We have quite a few utilities that are going to need to be documented before the official release of 2.16. Let's all pitch in and commit to working on a specific task so that we can make sure that all our documentation is in order before September 6th[1] !

I have set up a wiki page where people can register themselves for a specific task here:

Please feel free to add yourself to the list.

Here are a list of the tasks:

1) Documentation for A-la Carte.

Outstanding questions:
  * Do we modify what's already in the user-guide or do we create a
    separate manual to be distributed with the a-la-carte module?  For
    current documentation about editting menus see ghelp:user-guide?
    and ghelp:system-admin-guide?menustructure-0

2) Documentation for Tomboy

3) Documentation needs updated for Bug-Buddy

4) Documentation regarding new file permissions in Nautilus: should be added to the user-guide

5) Documentation about Orca in GNOME Accessibility Guide

6) Documentation for GNOME Power Manager

Furthermore, here are some optional tasks that I would like to see done, but are not showstoppers if they don't get done before the release.

1) Documentation regarding autostart specification in the system administration guide

2) Other small Changes documented on

Let's get this done!!



Brent Smith <gnome nextreality net>
IRC: smitten

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