Re: Nautilus documentation update

On Mon, 2005-12-26 at 02:33 +0100, karderio wrote:
> Should there not be more screenshots in the docs ? From the GNOME
> Handbook of Writing Software Documentation I understand there should be
> a screenshot for each window described.

Screenshots are overrated.  Help files should generally be
written to address particular topics or to explain what the
user is seeing on the screen.

If the user got to the documentation by clicking on a Help
button (which is very common), then he's already looking at
the window.  There's little use in a screenshot of exactly
the same window.

Now, tutorials and other guides can make more effective
use of screenshots.  Even when a user follows along, they
help to re-affirm that what she's doing is correct.

Nonetheless, too many screenshots make it difficult to
follow the text, particularly when they occupy too much
vertical space.  It's difficult to maintain context when
you can't view successive paragraphs simultaneously.


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