Re: scrollkeeper omf files

On Mon, Dec 22, 2003 at 02:08:20AM +0100, Slobo wrote:
> Hello all,
> Nearly finished translating gtranslator into serbian and have some
> question how to create/handle omf file(s).
> 1. There is mandatory seriesid attribute in element relation. I have
> read that it is the same id for all revisions and translations of
> document. Didn't understand that. Should I generate one id for this
> gtranslator manual and that id will be used for all serbian gnome
> documentation translation or I just need to copy one already included in
> gtranslator-1.0/help/C/gtranslator-C.omf ?

You just need to copy the seriesid attirbute included in the
gtranslator-C.omf file.

> 2. Again "story" about "translated" omf file. There are elements
> "creator" and "maintainer". Should they stay as reference to original
> document author and person(organisation) who maintain that document or
> should I put here name of first translator(creator element) and name of
> maintainer of translation(maintainer element) ?

You should leave the creator as in the original gtranslator-C.omf.
The translator's name should be displayed as the maintainer of the document.

> 3. There is "subject" element with "category" attribute. Soon I'll
> translate /usr/share/scrollkeeper/Templates/C/scroolkeeper_cl.xml file
> and after that should I put in that attribute localised category name or
> original? (BTW. For gtranslator it is:<subject
> category="Development|Development Tools|Other> but first I thought it is
> better to use GNOME|Application|Programming as it is where this program
> is put in menu after installation.)

I think you should use the localised category name.  Maybe Malcolm can
confirm if this is right.

> This scrollkeeper_cl.xml file is as stated at the top of that file last
> time modified in 2001 ? Should I translate this file or is there newer
> one?

There already is a localised scrollkeeper_cl.xml file for Serbian.

> 4. Already mentioned in thread "Scrollkeeper seriesid" but in original
> gtranslator package there is line in omf file:
> <identifier url="gtranslator.xml"/>
> I think it should be (for translated version):
> <identifier
> url="file:///usr/share/gnome/help/gtranslator/sr/gtranslator.xml">
> or maybe I am wrong here?

You should leave the identifier as gtranslator.xml.  The Makefile
should append the correct URI to the beginning.

> 5. What to do with "holder" attribute of "rights" element - to mention
> translator's name or original person(organisation) name?

I would put both the original copyright and the translator's name in
the copyright.  The original copyright needs to be in the OMF file.

> I am sorry this is much questions but read out some scrollkeeper docs
> and didn't find answers. Beside it, it can be usefull for other
> translators teams ;)

Not a problem at all.  That's why we are here. :)

Eric Baudais

They give you illusion that has the appearance of truth.  I give you
truth in the pleasant disguise of illusion.
                                             --Tennessee Williams

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