GnuCash doc translations (was Re: We need new packaging solutions)

lör 2003-08-09 klockan 21.30 skrev Chris Lyttle:
> Yep, it is. We at the GnuCash project decided for our 1.8.0 release to
> separate out both the docs and the translated docs from the main release
> package (as gnucash-docs) but leaving the translated strings and C docs
> in the main package. This has caused some initial confusion for users
> (mostly people popping up asking why our html help doesn't work) but it
> has worked pretty well for its purpose which was to reduce the size of
> the main package downloads and to enable different timetables for docs
> releases to the main package. I haven't yet figured out how to encourage
> translators to work on translating the docs as well as the strings, but
> that's another story.

Only the "gnucash" and "gnucash-glossary" domains are listed in the
Translation Project
( I assume
"gnucash-docs" is neither of those.

If you could make a pot file out of the docs (there have been several
attempts at creating tools for this purpose that should work ), you
could probably submit it to the TP and gain more exposure and interest
for translating gnucash-docs.


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