Re: GNOME 2.0 System Admin Guide.

On 11 Sep 2002, Alexander Kirillov wrote:

> Some obvious things - I am sure you have thought about this yourself,
> but anyway, these are the questions to which I'd like to have an
> answer...
>  - gnome config files: where all the user and system wide settings are
> stored? 
>  - how one sets default desktop settings (panel, MIME type binding,
> window manager, theme, etc)  for all users (quite a common question for
> sysadmins)
>  - font management: where GNOME apps get their list of available fonts?
> How one adds a font to this list? Which types of fonts are supported
> (AFAIK,  both TrueType and Type 1 PS)

Maybe also on themes? like what they are, what kinds there are (at least
as long as we don't have metathemer) and how to install system wide/
personal themes, etc


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