intro to gnome - updating for GNOME 2?

Hi guys:
I am thinking of whether it makes sense to update for GNOME 2
"Introduction to GNOME" which was part of gnome-user-docs for GNOME 1.4.
This is a nice document - but the new users guide  contains chapter
"Overview of the Desktop" which serves similar purpose. However, this
chapter is written in different style and contains slightly different
information (if you have both GNOME 1.4 and GNOME 2 installed, compare
for yourself). So what do you think - does it makes sense to update
"Intro to GNOME" or should we discard it? 

Since I wrote the original "Intro to GNOME", I naturally like it  - in
fact, I like its style more than the style of "Overview of the Desktop"
chapter in users guide (no offense, Eugene). Of course, I am hardly
unbiased - and  Eugene and Pat have much more experience than I do... 
So I'd like to hear what others think about it. I am ready to do the
updating if people think it is still useful. 

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