Re: Using Bugzilla. RE: G2 Lessons Learned

On Thu, Jul 04, 2002 at 11:03:00AM +1000, Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 04, 2002 at 10:57:30AM +1000, Phillip Shelton wrote:
> > As I replied to Malcolm yesterday,
> > 
> > It was only a suggestion from someone who has not had to work with any of
> > the current "solutions" and is not putting his hand up to help.
> > 
> > If Lampadas or Borgers are better then go with them by all means.
> > 
> > I was un-aware of just what bugzilla did and did not do. As Sander has
> > commented, it seems that is is not what you guys are looking for.
> Au contraire. Bugzilla is appropriate for some uses.  Sander's response,
> if it was really to my mail and not just to the thread, missed my point
> entirely (if it didn't miss the point, then I disagree with it
> entirely). We need to use bugzilla as a way for user's to communicate
> bugs in the documentation back to us. Failure to do so would be less
> than optimal.

Bugzilla integration is on my wishlist for Lampadas, although it will
not likely be implemented for some time.

David C. Merrill               
Linux Documentation Project                   david lupercalia net
Lead Developer                       

How often it is that the angry man rages denial of what his inner self is
telling him.
	-- "The Collected Sayings of Muad'Dib" by the Princess Irulan

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