Re: scrollkeeper category tree

On Wed, Jan 02, 2002 at 12:18:36AM -0600, Dan Mueth wrote:
> On Tue, 1 Jan 2002, David Merrill wrote:
> > On Tue, Jan 01, 2002 at 06:50:02PM -0500, Alexander Kirillov wrote:
> > > Hi guys:
> > > can anyone tell me where I can find the tree of categories to use in OMF
> > > files?
> >
> > On a side note, how cast in stone is the tree? I will need to merge
> > the LDP into it soon, so I expect I will uncover problems.
> The categories are specified in an XML file installed by ScrollKeeper,
> typically at /usr/share/scrollkeeper/Templates/C/scrollkeeper_cl.xml.
> This is then translated into other locales at
> /usr/share/scrollkeeper/Templates/<locale>/scrollkeeper_cl.xml.
> Developing a much improved category tree is really a small project in
> itself which could use some work.  We should maintain backward
> compatibility, expanding on the categories which are presently used.
> Nobody is presently working on this, so help is welcome.
> One of the new features of the 0.3/0.4 release cycle is that we use
> categorycodes to allow scrollkeeper to identify analogous sections in
> different locales.  This is useful for including multiple locales in a
> single category tree and also allows translators to not translate the
> categories in OMF files if they don't want to (saves time and reduces risk
> of errors).  So, if you want to work on the category tree, make sure you
> get the current development version, 0.3.0.

I asked for a volunteer on the LDP list to help with this. I'll let
you know if I find anyone. Also, Colin Watson, who packages the LDP
for Debian, just wrote me about it. So he might be willing to help
some. For now, I recommended he install all of the LDP under
General/Other and then we'll work through them to move them elsewhere.

David C. Merrill               
Linux Documentation Project                   david lupercalia net
Collection Editor & Coordinator  

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