Where should these docs go?

I remember several discussions about this on this list in the past.
What's the current thinking?

I have filed Gnome bugs 91863, 91865, 91866, 91867, 91868, 91870
and 91871 about various lacking pieces of documentation which are
more global than "some app". I actually want to write them all,
but I don't see that happening :) In order, they are: 

Summary: d.g.o needs more detail about CVS use
Summary: We need a GNOME 2 FAQ
Summary: Needed: Developer FAQ
Summary: need a doc on portability
Summary: Need something akin to Paul Coopers sysadmin guide for Gnome 2
Summary: Need a list of what our funky-named packages are
Summary: Need a profiling howto for gnome

I have nearly done the CVS one. Brian Cameron at Sun is interested
in the two about FAQs, and has assigned himself to them (or them
to himself, whatever). 

The aim is that all of them end up both in CVS and generated and
on developer.gnome.org (and that many of them are linked from 
dotplan: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=91873 is
"Summary: dotplan needs a "developers start here" page")

So. I remember the users' faq moving at one stage. I don't
want to dump stuff into CVS and then find yet _again_ that
it should move and mess up all the cvs history. So where is
the best place to put this lot as they're getting written?
Something which isn't auto-generated is a good idea: they 
are doubtless going to break hard at first. gnome-user-docs 
seems not at all appropriate, since they aren't (mostly)
user-docs, and they definitely aren't complete and shippable. 
gnome-docu/ looks more promising but it emerges that at least 
part of that module includes other modules as "virtual modules" 

I'm inclined to stuff 'em in gnome-docu/ but if people have
thoughts on better places, now is a very good time to say.

By the way, in the post to desktop-devel-list and gnome-hackers,
I volunteered gnome-doc-list as happy to mark stuff into
DocBook. Blame #docs for that. Eric told me I could!


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