Re: Where should these docs go?

On Thu, 2002-08-29 at 10:01, hobbit aloss ukuu org uk wrote:
> I remember several discussions about this on this list in the past.
> What's the current thinking?
> I have filed Gnome bugs 91863, 91865, 91866, 91867, 91868, 91870
> and 91871 about various lacking pieces of documentation which are
> more global than "some app". I actually want to write them all,
> but I don't see that happening :) In order, they are: 
> Summary: d.g.o needs more detail about CVS use
> Summary: We need a GNOME 2 FAQ
> Summary: Needed: Developer FAQ
> Summary: need a doc on portability
> Summary: Need something akin to Paul Coopers sysadmin guide for Gnome 2
> Summary: Need a list of what our funky-named packages are
> Summary: Need a profiling howto for gnome

Does anyone object to adding these to our temporary doctable so we can
keep track of status and who's doing what?

> I have nearly done the CVS one. Brian Cameron at Sun is interested
> in the two about FAQs, and has assigned himself to them (or them
> to himself, whatever). 
> The aim is that all of them end up both in CVS and generated and
> on (and that many of them are linked from 
> dotplan: is
> "Summary: dotplan needs a "developers start here" page")
> So. I remember the users' faq moving at one stage. I don't
> want to dump stuff into CVS and then find yet _again_ that
> it should move and mess up all the cvs history. So where is
> the best place to put this lot as they're getting written?
> Something which isn't auto-generated is a good idea: they 
> are doubtless going to break hard at first. gnome-user-docs 
> seems not at all appropriate, since they aren't (mostly)
> user-docs, and they definitely aren't complete and shippable. 
> gnome-docu/ looks more promising but it emerges that at least 
> part of that module includes other modules as "virtual modules" 
> (uhh...). 
> I'm inclined to stuff 'em in gnome-docu/ but if people have
> thoughts on better places, now is a very good time to say.

That sounds like a good location to me. It's rather of a junk pile in
there right now, though, and the cleanest thing might be an entirely new
subdirectory: gnome-docu/gnome2-global-docs or some such. Then each
could get its own subdirectory, to whit:

gnome-docu/gnome2-global-docs/g2portability/C/g2portability.xml or some

That should make it a relatively easy structure for Jeff to pull from.

John Fleck
jfleck inkstain net (h) jfleck abqjournal com (w)

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