Re: [Usability] Re: help browser plan

tis 2001-11-27 klockan 07.06 skrev Seth Nickell:
> > I would agree it's probably closest or most appropriate for a small
> > help browser, assuming its maintainers are willing to stabilize it for
> > that. But this still leaves the question of what shell we are putting
> > around it - devhelp? encompass? galeon? nautilus?
> None? I don't really think help browsers should have a location bar...

Just in case someone tries out Yelp. Yelp currently has a location bar
which is there for testing, it will be removed before it's finished.

I just added it to be able to try out the gnome-vfs help-module.

  Mikael Hallendal

Mikael Hallendal                micke codefactory se
CodeFactory AB        
Office: +46 (0)8 587 583 05     Cell: +46 (0)709 718 918

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