Re: Title Page Suggestion

On Wed, Nov 14, 2001 at 09:33:38AM +0000, Pat Costello wrote:
> Hi Eric, 
> If you are able to fit it in, it would be best if you could do the stylesheet 
> work, as you arer probably more aware of what is needed then we are. 
> Maybe David knows how to tie in the email address with the author tag. 

I'd be more than happy to help. I've done some stylesheet work myself
for ScrollServer, although it was my first stab at xslt and I never
did the extensions correctly, just grafted in customizations. Still, I
should be of some help.

If possible, I will use the same stylesheets, or a minimally modified
set, expanded as needed.

Dr. David C. Merrill           
Linux Documentation Project                   david lupercalia net
Collection Editor & Coordinator  

Microsoft is like this intellectual roach motel: big brains go in and you
don't see anything come out."
	--Paul Saffo, Institute for the Future

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