Re: Legal text for review.

On Wed, 2001-11-14 at 10:46, Pat Costello wrote:
> Hi Dan, 
> I don't know if the GFDL has been updated yet. In the meantime, the Sun legal 
> team have finalized some text for the liability and warranty disclaimers for the 
> title page. Bearing The final recommendation is attached. Note that the 
> disclaimers have moved into the Legal Notice section, to make them invariant 
> sections. Also, the disclaimers do need to be in uppercase to offset them from 
> the regular text, even though it's a bit loud. 

Just because I enjoy making trouble, what about making it all in italics
or something?  That seems as though it would offset the text, and not
seem like we had to scream at everybody.  Could we make the main body of
text italics, and just leave the first ALL CAPS sentence in all caps
(before the first and second points)?  Regards,

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