Re: themes for GNOME2 docs

Come on, this is unrealistic. And what if docs describe some applet that
the user didn't put in his panel yet? Or ... many other possible "what

We should use the default theme - whatever it is. In my experience 80%
of the users use the default theme without changing anything in it. If
some distro decides to change the default scheme - well, it is their
responsibility, not ours, to change the screenshots. 


On Thu, 2001-12-20 at 01:00, Nicholas Curran wrote:
> It looks like no matter what theme we choose for the docs, there will be
> a big chance that the user in question will have a different theme. 
> This is usually not a problem, as those who have changed their theme are
> smart enough to tell what is a button and what is not.  However, if
> different distributions of GNOME have different themes, then we have
> newbies using them, and we must hope that the newbies can tell.
> It seems that we will be forever pulling our hair out, trying to decide
> which theme we should use.
> I want to put forward the suggestion that instead of using just plain
> pictures in our DocBook files, we should consider placing information in
> them that the user's system can use to generate a screenshot, using the
> user's own theme.  It could be done on the fly, like the conversion from
> XML to HTML.
> While I'd love to give big grand implementation details, I'm not
> knowledgable enough to do so.  It would probably take a fair bit of work
> to implement.
> It's just a suggestion.  I cannot think of any other arrangement that
> will prevent us having this problem in future.  Flames concerning my
> intelligence to the address below.
> Nicholas Curran
> <quasar austar net au>
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