Re: themes for GNOME2 docs

On 18 Dec 2001, Kevin Breit wrote:

> On Tue, 2001-12-18 at 01:05, Dan Mueth wrote:
>     As for screenshot decorations (eg. drop shadows), I think they look really
>     nice but make the screenshot process *much* more complicated and
>     time-consuming.  It also makes it very difficult to localize since
>     translators are busy enough translating po files.  When they find out we
>     have lots of new XML documentation and screenshots for them to localize
>     too, they will certainly not feel like firing up the GIMP for each of
>     hundreds of screen shots.  So, sadly, I think we have to keep it simple.
> Why  don't we script out the dropshadow effect (script-fu) and then
> people just run a script, which does the effect?
That's what it does now (ie the dropshadow effect is a standard script-fu 
in gimp). I think dan was trying to avoid having to use Gimp at all. I 
personally use Gimp for my screenshots so its not hard to add the 
dropshadow tho I can appreciate that others may not want to.

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