Re: Some work

On Sat, Aug 11, 2001 at 04:13:01AM -0000, Vipul Kumar Mehra wrote:
> I have been on this list for the past week and I have been trying to
> look up some work that I can do.I have also mailed the persons in
> charge of the various documentation work at,I
> haven't recieved any replies so far and I don't know where to start
> from.

Oh, dear. Well, this is probably a better forum anyway, since then
anybody who's available might take three minutes to respond.

> I am a student and I have quite some free time right now.I would
> like to put it to some good use.I would be obliged if anyone could
> enlist me for any documentation or web site maintainence work at
>,I would like to join the Hindi translation work for
> Gnome.I would be grateful if anyone could help me out.

For translation stuff, it's best to ask on the GNOME i18n list. For
that, go here:

As far as writing documentation goes, have a look at our table of
documentation projects at

Pick one that is unclaimed and looks interesting. Then mail this list
with your choice, to ensure that nobody is already doing it and the
table just hasn't been updated (this has been known to happen, so
following the protocol will possibly save some time). If nobody pipes up
quickly to say they are already doing it, go to work! :-)

Since we are entering the new and interesting world of Gnome 2.0 and
more manuals than you can throw a stick at, you will also want to have a
look around

In particular, read the style guide.


The only substitute for good manners is fast reflexes.

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