Re: Where we'll put docs for control-center

On 10 Aug 2001, Aaron Weber wrote:

> Kevin--
>  Well, if it's done right, it'll be installed readably for everyone, and
> linked properly to make that work.  I think.
> If not, well, gnome-help-browser is deprecated. Use Nautilus. I know
> it's too slow, especially on old hardware.  But we really need to start
> using our tools more. You must eat your own dogfood. If we all find it
> unbearable to use our own docs browser, we're in a lot of trouble.

But one can't just make decision base on pride only. So many people are
using gnome, and if any decision is made that can cause a lot of people
to complain, that's not funny at all.

However it sounds gnome-help-browser has not been in development for some
time. Really no other choice?


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