Re: GNOME vs. Gnome

On Mon, Oct 02, 2000 at 05:35:50PM -0400, Aaron Weber wrote:

> So, who wants s/GNOME/Gnome/, and who wants to s/Gnome/GNOME/?

I prefer Gnome.  It looks better, and since it's pronounced "gnome"
(or "guh-nome") rather than "gee en oh em eeh", the Gnome spelling
seems more correct.  I think that the final call on this should be
Miguel's, by virtue of author's prerogative.

Also, when this is decided, it would be very handy if someone could
pull together a "Gnome Manual of Style" that authors could refer to
when deciding between GNOME and Gnome, Email and e-mail, left mouse
button and mouse button one, and all the other weighty decisions we
have hashed out on these lists over the last year or so.

-- John Kodis.

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