Re: logview doc version 0.1-ish

Telsa Gwynne <> writes:

> I tend to use the case that is used when you invoke it at the command 
> line. Typing 'Logview' won't work. I realise that there are different
> tags for application and for command, but it seems pretty traditional
> in unix docs to avoid capitalising a name if there is no capital when
> you type it as a command. 

As usual, it depends: "to copy a file use 'cp'", "to invoke Gnumeric
enter 'gnumeric'".

> > 3) You can use the <filename> tag when referring to files, such as
> > <filename>/var/log/messages</filename>.
> > 
> > 4) For directories, you can use <filename
> > class="directory">/var/log</filename>.  (Anybody have an opinion of
> > whether we should use "/var/log" for the directory or "/var/log/" ?)
> I tend to go with the final slash when it's a directory, because
> it distinguishes between files and directories that way.

I vote not to add slashes.  It should be up to the style sheets to add
or not to add slashes -- or vice versa, of course ;-)

> > 5) You can use <keycap>Page Up</keycap> and similar for marking up "Page
> > Down".  

Please note, the key is labeled "PgUp" (at least on my keyboard); I vote
to stick with these cryptic name.  On German keyboards you'll find a key
labeled "Strg" -- most poeple think "Strg" means "String" (!@#$); but
that's wrong -- it means "Steuerung".  If you tell them to press
"Steuerung" they will not understand what you want them to do ;-)

BTW, "Strg" = "Control" (on my US keyboard).  Oops, I just checked my
second US keyboard: it shows "Ctrl" and "Page Down", "PgDn" is the key
on the number block!

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