Re: Good DocBook Markup

Eric Baudais <> writes:

> Anyways, I think the using a title with the tip, warning, etc. tags
> looks better than without a title.

I don't mind the TITLE element.  With or without title, both versions
are valid DocBook SGML documents.  You can easily add a customization
layer to make life easier for the authors (instead of SYSTEM you can
also use PUBLIC with an appropriate CATALOG entry):

<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN" [
<!ENTITY % intermod.redecl.module "INCLUDE">
<!ENTITY % rdbmods SYSTEM "rdbmods.dtd">

And rdbmods.dtd re-defines TIP, NOTE, etc. elements with a _mandatory_
TITLE element:

<!ELEMENT (%admon.class;) - - (Title, (%admon.mix;)+) %admon.exclusion;>

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