Re: stylesheet wishlist

On 5 May 2000, David C. Mason wrote:

> David Helder <> writes:
> > Quick gnome stylesheet wishlist:  (there's no entry for
> > gdp?).  I have no idea if these things can be done.  :)
> > 
> > - Larger margins for Abstract
> Do you mean more text going out to the sides of the page? more text
> towards the tops and bottoms? Or the opposite? HTML, Print?

The abstract gets put in a gray box (table).  The box should be larger,
leaving space between the words and the edges (sides especially).  See - the text looks too packed.

> > - Icons for next/back/home
> This is one of those things that was debated a looooooooooooong time
> ago and the consensus was that it might be better to keep the
> navigation image free for text browsers.

You could set ALT to "Next>>>", or whatever.

> > - Different font or size for FAQ questions.  Maybe more spacing too.
> I only recently started working on the <qandaset> stuff and I have
> some issues I want changed in the modular stylesheets by Norman first
> - This will come - its all very new DocBook stuff.


> BTW, you are using gdp-both.dsl? Just checking.

Yes.  3.1 with PNG support.

This is what I'm working on, BTW:
It's the first cut at docs from the README, it still needs work.

Another wishlist item is to put Notes and Warnings in a box (maybe with a
background too).

      __          _    __ 
  ___/ /__ __  __(_)__/ /  David Helder - University of Michigan
 / _  / _ `/ |/ / / _  /

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