There is no GHB 2.0

I hate to tell people this, but there is no GNOME Help Browser 2.0. I think
Miguel has kind of mislead people about this (when he made that 'call' for
somebody to hack on it).

What we have is what I call the 'Nautilus Help Browser' - basically, all
help stuff will be in Nautilus. This is how the architecture works (in case
you didn't know):

We have 'gnome-info2html2', 'gnome-man2html2', and 'gnome-db2html2'. These
are small 'general' utilities that transform info, man, or Docbook files
into HTML - Nautilus then takes the HTML and renders it for the user (via
gtkhtml or mozilla or whatever you have text/html configured to). It doesn't
work quite right but its my responsibility to make it work.

So thats it. /linking/ to other documentation could work I believe - since
the output is in HTML, you can create 'links' for example - you could embed
the following URI in documentation 'man:malloc' - Would that suffice for
'cross-documentation' linking. It would be a bit link
to Docbook files though. I'm sure maybe sometime in the future something
more...advanced...could be done. But the focus is on making it work rather
than adding features :) Most of the 'work' is on three utilities mentioned
above. They are what you would need to change to 'beautify' stuff or what
you would need to change to add new 'features' and stuff. Nautilus/gnome-vfs
are just the 'glue-work' that link them together.

Anyway - mainly I would recommend people call it the 'Nautilus help browser'
instead of 'GHB 2.0' because the latter is 'misleading' (it makes one think
its a 'stand-alone' application). The 'next generation' help browser is
'integrated/built-in' to Nautilus.


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