Preparing for 1.2 / Re: Drake's #docs Dialogue

> 1) Gnome 1.2 is supposed to be released in two weeks.  We need to get busy
> writing the docs for gnome-core applications.  These are the most
> crtitical, but unfortunately the most time intensive to write.
> 4) Anyone writing docs for gnome-core applications that appear in the
> Gnome User's Guide (UG) is encouraged to take the information presented in
> the UG to use in their doc.  The current strategy is to "strip" the UG of
> all useful information and rewrite it using the completed docs for
> gnome-core apps.
> 5) The current order of importance for documenting Gnome is:
>    1. gnome-core apps
>    2. gnome-core applets
>    3. gnome-applets

What exactly is the plan here?  It sounds like the Users Guide will have
the applets removed into a new document that holds all the applets, but
everything else in the UG will remain there (right?). We
probably want to update the control-center, panel, and file manager
sections of the User Guide before 1.2 if we can. (I guess this is point
5.1 above)  According to the doctable, blah is doing the Control Center
and nobody is doing GMC or the Panel stuff.  Is this accurate?

Where is the User Guide at?  Whoever decides to do (or is already doing)
GMC and the Panel needs access to the User Guide, presumably in CVS.

Are there other gnome-core apps which are a high priority?  If not, then
after we find out which two people are doing GMC and Panel updates to the
User Guide, everybody else can start working on the applets.  Telsa is in
charge of coordinating the applets.  This should be straightforward since
boc has agreed to make sure the applet docs get merged in with the applets
properly, once they are written.  


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