Testers wanted for gnome-db2html2

Hi guys,

I spent the last week or so working on a small project to try to display
docbook-xml on the fly.  The advantage of this, is that we can then do
everything in terms of docbook, and not worry about running jade in the
install script.  Additionally, we can just install the sgml files, which
makes indexing and searching of them much easier.

However, it does not produce as nice (or complete) an output as
db2html.  I would like it to be good enough (TM) until we can get a
better solution (probably Mozilla's xml rendering with the docbook

To get the program, you are going to need nautilus from CVS.  Note, you
do _not_ need to build this, just the converter.
To build gnome-db2html2, try this:

% cd nautilus/components/help/converters/gnome-db2html2/
% gcc -o gnome-db2html2 `xml-config --cflags --libs` `gnome-config --cflags --libs glib` -Wall -g gdb3html.c toc-elements.c sect-elements.c sect-preparse.c

You can run it by doing:
% gnome-db2html2 file.sgml > file.html

If you want to look at a particular section, do:
% gnome-db2html2 "file.sgml?sectid" > sectid.html

Anyway, if people could start testing it with various docbook documents
that we have, I would appreciate the feedback.  In particular, I would
like to know tags that don't appear correctly, things that don't look
good, and documents that crash the converter.  In addition, I make a few
assumptions about the documents being viewed.  Please look in the
ASSUMPTIONS file before viewing a document.  Note, the big ones there
are necessary anyway if we want xml-compliant docbook.

Please feel free to ask questions on #docs, or mail me.


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