Hi, my name is manuel from Spain.
Today, I hope learn from yours the guide lines to contribute with this
Im glad to communicate with yours my situation:
I m a junior investor in practice, developing a self graphic mask, I have
read a lot about GNU and Gnome.
In contrast with you I feel today lost and I would like receive an
additional information to install GNOME and GNU on my HPUX plataform.
I recomend everybody the SAM book: ""Programming GTK+ in 24 days"" perhaps
the introduction or in the first chapters one could find a little help but
coherent to understand quickly who is who (X
An amount quantity of links appears on net every day talking about this
potential project but beginners (LIKE ME) feel a cold contact because the
install information is lack.
Usually after the history-comments of this GNU project, document jumps to
functions and install-procedures are missing.
What do you think about??
malberola activaicon com

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