yet another introduction.

Hi there. Everyone else is saying hello, so I'll do it too. Longtime
listener, first time caller - I've been using Linux and other free
software in various shapes and forms since the mid-90's, have been
following and using GNOME since the early days, and have been meaning
for some time to get involved in making it better. Having recently
gone through a major life event (getting out of the dot-com consulting
biz) which has increased my free time, I've decided now's as good a
time as any to start.

My background is in systems administration, but I've also done a
reasonable amount of writing, technical and otherwise, over the
years. (Being a sysadmin, you learn the value of R'ing TFM, so I like
it when TFM is actually R'able.) I need some work before I can regain
my coding skills (they've atrophied over years of disuse) but I think
I could be helpful on the documentation side. So, I'm here to get an
idea of what's happening in GNOME documentation, and to jump in once I
figure out the depth of the water. I'll stop by IRC when I'm a little
less sleepy, too.


Mark Cornick -- --

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