Re: screenshots in gnome-core

> > > 2) These were done by hand.  The screenshooter applet is useful.  However,
> > > it makes png's that gnome-help-browser doesn't like.  So, try saving it as
> > > a gif and then converting it to png with "convert", xv, or the gimp.
> > 
> > Why save as a gif and then open up the gimp? Just use the gimp to take
> > the shot and save as a png.

Using screenshooter and convert means I don't need to use gimp at
all, which I like because it saves my screen and memory :)

> Btw. do you know how much time we have left to make the translated
> screenshots and the translations ?
> I can spend some 20-30 hours into this this weekend, but I thing I
> won't have time for this before Friday.

I think this would be fine.  My understanding (could be wrong) is 1.2pre1
today and final around the end of this month.  So this weekend should work


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