Translation to French

Hi all,

Ionix Services is a new French company which provides services on
Linux and free software. Beside other clients, we install and maintain
Linux machines in schools. So we need to translate to French all
softwares used, which include Gnome softwares.
I will work full time on this from July onwards.

Is there a group / mailing list to coordinate translations of Gnome ?
I have seen that some applications have already been translated to
French (but not the help). Is there a coordination of people working
on French translations ?

>From next week, we will have a serveur with CVS, mailing lists, FTP,
etc. We intend to offer these services to the free software community
coordinate development, translations and other related works.

We have already a Web site (under developement) :


Infos sur le forum fr.soc.alternatives, Linux, l'Inde...

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