Re: Should PI be translatable string?

On Tue, 2009-09-08 at 17:24 +0900, Yasushi SHOJI wrote:
> Hello,
> First of all, thank you all for maintaining gnome-doc-utils. it has
> been working great with our docbook based manual for us.
> Now, we just started to use docbook processing instruction (PI) in our
> data sets. Running current xml2po on our data set shows that it picks
> up PI along with translatable string.
> So, my first question is "Should PI be a part of translatable string?"
> I'm just assuming it's not.

I'd say PIs should absolutely not be marked for translation.
I suppose it's conceivable somebody could be putting readable,
translatable text in a PI, but that seems like a pretty clear
indicator of bad design to me.

I'm CCing Claude Paroz, who's been handling much of the xml2po
maintenance work lately.


> If the answer to the previous question is "not", my logical next
> question is: where in the xml2po source code should I modify to fix
> this problem?
> to find out where, I dug a bit. I run xml2po on attached sample code
> with enabling a debug code at the top of XMLDocument::normalizeNode()
> in xml2po/, I got:
> > <norm> (element) [<norm>PI Test</norm>]
> > <text> (text) [PI Test]
> > <norm> (element) [<norm>Section Title</norm>]
> > <text> (text) [Section Title]
> > <norm> (element) [<norm>sample table</norm>]
> > <text> (text) [sample table]
> > <norm> (element) [<norm><?dbfo bgcolor="#000000" ?>Translatable String</norm>]
> > <dbfo> (pi) [<?dbfo bgcolor="#000000" ?>]
> > <text> (text) [Translatable String]
> it seems to me that normalized node with PI is judged
> "worthOutputting".  Is it right to assume that
> XMLDocument::worthOutputting() is the place to modify and make it to
> return false if element has PI?
> TIA,
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