Spoon 0.4


To accompany the updated help system spec, I've also been working on
Spoon.  I've put the packages up at:

md5sum: b5159105bb25ea70046ba5b59ce4378c


md5sum: 77b149b51885470675dee5dbc18f8030

What is it?

Spoon is a documentation meta data access library.  It also provides
tools to allow seamless and painless transition away from scrollkeeper.
The file format is based on the proposed XDG Help System Spec [1].

It is written in pure C with some bash script and a pinch of C++
(tinyXML, for the OMF file parsing).  It is designed to not have any
dependencies, outside the base minimum (libc).

The documentation for it is pretty basic (read: virtually non-existent)
at the moment, but this will be improved soon (I hope).  The library API
is also limited to 1 call: a for_each type method that iterates through
all known documents and calls the requested function for each of them.
This too will be improved soon.


>From the README, the changes are:
Lots of changes in this version.  I'll try and list as many as I can:
* Change most things to support the spec.
  - Use $XDG_DATA_DIRS and $XDG_DATA_HOME to find scroll files
  - Use $LANGUAGE to decide which language to use
  - Scan recursively through subdirs to pick up scrolls
  - Allow locale-specific files to reside in $DIR/LOCALE/LC.  Prioritise
  - Handle document sections.  Allow docs to have as many sections as
they want
  - Remove the rubbish config file stuff
  - Rename lots of key types
  - Add support for lots more key types
  - Handle URI and file paths properly
* Remove previous migration script
* Replace with update script which tracks changes (in
* Remove limit of 1024 chars per line
* make calls to init implicit in operations
* Add example of a Mallard Meta Data file, defining several sections,
  are spread across 1 document file and 1 section file
* Fix a boatload of memory leaks
* Added TODO to see what needs done
* Add copy of spec to compare against

Note, the default is still to use uninstalled mode.  To make the package
work correctly installed, the configure flag --enable-installed must be
used.  Other details are in the README.



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