Re: db2html templates for standalone pages rather than yelp

On Tue, 2005-11-29 at 21:35 -0600, Shaun McCance wrote:
> They're not intentionally done that way.  In fact, the
> whole idea of the gnome-doc-utils stylesheets is that
> we can use my XSLT efforts outside of Yelp.  If there
> are changes that would make the output look better in
> a web browser, then we should just make those changes
> in the default rendering.  Yelp can always override
> what it needs to.

Oh, really? I had assumed that the current db2html templates were
basically tuned to what Yelp needed. I hope it didn't sound like I was
criticizing the stylesheets we have now; I like them a lot.

But, assuming that Yelp does call for a more bare-bones kind of output,
I think it might make sense to add browser-friendly layers outside of
the current db2html stylesheets. My feeling is that adding more
xsl:params to the basic stylesheet would just intimidate people.

I was thinking of adding an xslt/docbook/htmlweb/ directory with
probably just two XSL files. One would just include the standard
db2html.xsl and customize a few things for prettier output. (I'm not
super sure of how cascading templates like this works, but as I recall
you can do such customization.) Another would do the same thing with
GNOME branding. I bet the templates would be small enough that it'd be
reasonable to just duplicate the code. Does this sound like a good idea
to you?


Peter Williams / peter newton cx

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