Re: yelp 2.12 changes for release notes

> On Thu, 2005-08-25 at 08:20 +0200, Murray Cumming wrote:
>> Could someone please write up the major user-visible changes for yelp
>> 2.12, compared to yelp in GNOME 2.10? Feel free to write it directly
>> into
>>*.xml, because we
>> are late with this, but before the release notes string freeze on August
>> 31st.
>> Or add it to the wiki if that's easier:
> Well, that is a tricky one to answer.  It looks like we have a go-ahead
> for Yelp 2.12 in Gnome 2.12, which is a big relief to me.  But then,
> what
> am I comparing it to for "new features"?

To the yelp in GNOME 2.10. That was yelp 2.6:

>  I did actually do a stable
> Yelp
> 2.10 release, but it wasn't officially in Gnome 2.10.  It was, however,
> shipped by most of the major vendors with Gnome 2.10.

I know that makes it kind of artificial, but these are release notes for
the official Gnome release notes, and I think it's very important to pimp
those changes somewhere at some time at least. But I need your help to
know what those changes are, as far as a user will see it.

> So technically, comparing Yelp 2.12 to Gnome 2.10 means comparing Yelp
> 2.12 to Yelp 2.6.  (Yikes!)  But for most people, all that matters is
> what's happened since Yelp 2.10, which isn't a whole lot.  I spent most
> of my hacker time working on gnome-doc-utils, especially the build
> tools.
> So some of the rendering looks different (nicer, in my book), but there
> really aren't any major improvements or features.  I'm not sure it's
> really even worth mentioning.

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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