Re: Devtools: drop webkitgtk?

DevHelp books are literally web pages. GtkSourceView is a text editing
widget, not a HTML renderer — and it won't become one any time soon.

I would strongly encourage the Homebrew community to spend time into
making WebKitGTK work on macOS; I'm sure the WebKitGTK developers
would be interested in the help.


On 19 March 2017 at 10:39, Tom Schoonjans <tom schoonjans me com> wrote:
I was wondering if it would be possible to drop devhelp’s dependency webkitgtk and use (for example) 
gtksourceview instead.

The reason why I am bringing this up is that Homebrew (of which I am a maintainer) has decided to drop 
support for webkitgtk as the quartz backend hasn’t worked for a long time and doesn’t appear to be properly 
Unfortunately this has also meant we had to drop devhelp, the only software package we offered with a hard 
webkitgtk dependency. This had the very unpleasant consequence of dropping the optional devhelp support in 
Anjuta and Gnome-builder :-(

I understand that moving away from webkitgtk would be a lot of work, but perhaps it might be worth 
considering it? Anyway, I am looking forward to hear other people’s opinions on this.


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