Re: understanding GtkSourceView internals

Paolo Borelli wrote:


"Idles, timeouts, and input functions from GLib, such as g_idle_add(),
are executed outside of the main GTK+ lock. So, if you need to call GTK+
inside of such a callback, you must surround the callback with a
gdk_threads_enter()/gdk_threads_leave() pair or use
gdk_threads_add_idle_full() which does this for you. However, event
dispatching from the mainloop is still executed within the main GTK+
lock, so callback functions connected to event signals like
GtkWidget::button-press-event, do not need thread protection.

In particular, this means, if you are writing widgets that might be used
in threaded programs, you must surround timeouts and idle functions in
this matter."

ahh I didn't know that. I guess I have to change some code too ;-)

thanks for the explanation!


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