Re: Licensing

On lun, 2007-01-22 at 21:18 -0500, Simon Reynolds wrote:
> I was looking for a Gtk Source Editing component for use in completing a
> task at work for editing and controlling a custom scripting engine.
> GtkSourceView was naturally one of the top hits, but it didn't specify
> the license on the Web site or the Sourceforge page. In looking at the
> tgz file, I see that it says it is licensed under the GPL in the COPYING
> file, which means I'll probably have to pass it up. But, I also noticed
> that 23 source files in the gtksourceview directory sport the LGPL
> instead, with only 7 including the GPL.

Hi Simon, this is a known issue: the current maintainers and authors of
most of the current codebase definately want gtksourceview to be LGPL
however the initial implementation that was started many years ago was
GPL. In order to be made completely LGPL one of these two things has to

1 - old authors are contacted and asked if they are ok with the licence

2 - all the old code is replaced

Help with (1) would be appreciated, some other people volunteered before
but as far as I know nothing happened

The bugreport contains
more details.


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