Re: Scaffold: mime-type/context sensitive layouts

On Fri, 2003-09-19 at 08:10, Jeroen Zwartepoorte wrote:
> > Glade-3 tools are simple gtk widgets. IIRC John was interested in
> > wrapping them in a bonobo component in the same way that glimmer wraps
> > gtksourceview.
> I'd go for a scaffold plugin which uses the glade3 widgets, not bonobo
> controls. IMHO, using widgets is a better approach. With bonobo control
> you have to define an IDL interface etc. And since glade3 consists of
> multiple items, using widgets is easier.
> Jeroen

Hmm, I'm not currently working on the glade stuff.  I just used it as an
example but for something as functional as glade wouldn't we want to use
Bonobo to be able to interact with it from other processes the same way
we can interact with Glimmer?  Can we have calls to the current glade
widgets from other processes without using Bonobo?  I want to flush
these ideas out just incase somone does take up the challange.  I might
if no one else does but right now I am busy writing up designs for my
code generation and tracking engine.  Hopefully I will be able to get it
to a point where it can create GObjects and then wrap them in an IDL or
script bindings.  


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