Re: Scaffold: Code Automation Paper (e.g. What I wish to implement)

Hi John,

sorry for the late answer but it was an off-week schoolwise :-)

On Tue, 2003-10-07 at 03:41, John (J5) Palmieri wrote:

> > As you might expect, I'm *very* interested in what you are doing
> > and would like to talk more about this subject.
> That would be great.  It looks we are thinking on similar pages.

I'm looking forward to exchange some ideas. I'll probably mail you
within in a few days with some things I would like to discuss, if that's
allright for you ...

Tomorrow I'll see my Thesis Promoter to flesh out some details so I hope
I can start working on it...

> > I must admit I only read your paper very shallow (if that is correct
> > english :)), but I was very impatient to reply... 
> My paper is only very shallow right now ;-)  I wrote it to flesh out my
> ideas and get some comments and perhaps help.  Now that I have a
> direction to go in I'm going to start coding though I would very much
> like to get your input.

Well I have not much to say except it's all looking good :-) The only
thing I missed was some wise words related to refactoring, although
that's probably part of what you call "natural flow development". 

Refactoring is an essential part of a modern software engeneering
tool suite and is often very diffucult to achieve. And certainly with
Glib-C ... There are probably some solutions to it, and it is actually,
amongst other this, something I would like to discuss :-)

Btw, I hope I'll be able to help with your project, this is something
that really interests me (hence the choise of my thesis subject :))



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