Matching parens and strings with GtkSourceView

Hello. Again, I was playing around with GtkSourceView, and I noticed some odd behavior with parenthesis and strings:

1) Create an example1.c file with '("(")' as the only contents (without the surrounding single quotes). Neither of the open parens will highlight the close paren, but the close paren will highlight the open paren *inside* the string.

2) Create an example2.c file with '("")' as the only contents. The close paren will work right, but the open paren highlights the close paren only when the cursor is *before* the open paren, instead of normally when it only highlights when the cursor is after the open paren.

3) Create an example3.c file with ' ("")' as the only contents. The close paren will work right, but the open paren will not highlight the close paren at all.

These may all be symptoms of one bug, but I thought I'd let you make the call. To test these, just use the test-widget program on the various example.c files.


P.S. I would appreciate a new release moderately soon, so that I can release a version of Beaver that depends on the libgnome-free version.

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