Re: Matching parens and strings with GtkSourceView

Hi Michael,

> Hello.  Again, I was playing around with GtkSourceView, and I noticed 
> some odd behavior with parenthesis and strings:

Please, file it as a bug report in (product
In this way we will not forget it.

> P.S. I would appreciate a new release moderately soon, so that I can 
> release a version of Beaver that depends on the libgnome-free version.

We will make a new release today or tomorrow morning.


Paolo Maggi                      E-mail: paolo DOT maggi AT polito DOT it
Dip. Automatica e Informatica    Tel.  : + 39 011 564 7078 
Politecnico di Torino            Fax   : + 39 011 564 7099

A Bugless Program is an Abstract Theoretical Concept.

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